was asked to come here and help the re-vitalization of our beloved Masjid al-Tawheed and the restructuring of its management. This masjid had a great history; it hosted many of our great scholars, who left their good impact on the community. However, it wasn’t only the great history that encouraged me to endure the trouble of moving. This masjid also has a great potential: a diverse, religiously committed community, wonderful youth, an educated sunni imam with a beautiful voice, as well as young, sincere and capable administrators. It also owns a lot of adjacent properties, allowing the future expansion of its activities.
There is also a very fertile land here in the Tri-State Area for Islamic education and particularly for Mishkah University, which I have the honor of being the dean of the college of Islamic Studies (English) in it. The synergy between al-Jami’ and al-Jami’ah will be in the best interest of both insha-Allah.